Before I knew it, archery season had come and gone. Though it was successful due to seeing many deer and even a couple of three year olds that I had on camera throughout most of the summer, I still did not see any sign that "The Ghost" was still running around the area. With my head down, and my dreams of taking this animal going down the drain, I had almost chalked up the season as a failure when it came to harvesting a mature buck. However, maybe the Wisconsin gun season will be the time to redeem myself. The week before the opener was upon us and I was as excited as a lil' kid in Toys R' Us.
Smoke filled the air as I watched the magnificent animal barrel back into the woods from where he had originally came. The buck barreled through the woods like he just stole somebody's wallet. I thought that I had seen what I call "the death run". This is when the animal's body is mere inches from the ground and it almost appears as if their legs are above their head due to them running so hard. It had happened so fast that I sat back in my chair in awe. I tried my hardest to give the buck a half hour of time just in case it wasnt a very good hit. I got down from the "Log Cabin in the Sky" and headed to where the excitement happened. I looked around for blood but could not find any sign of a hit. I started to worry, but knowing where I had seen him last in the woods, I started to head that direction. As I slowly walked up the trail I noticed something bright white catching my eye in the wood line. Could this be my buck? I went from a slow walk to almost a jog. I came up to the spot only to be disappointed that it was just a downed hickory tree. I instantly went from a little worried to about ten times more worried. As I turned to the right to head back to get my dad to help me track, I noticed a tall, tall rack attached to a deer laying on its side. MY BUCK! MY BUCK! OH MY GOSH!! HE'S HUGE!!! I walked on up to the animal and the rack only grew larger as I came closer. As I went to grab the rack, I's "The Ghost".
I couldnt believe that the buck that I had only one eerie picture of from Sept. 6th had made a mistake on Thanksgiving Day. The season had finally turned around and surprised me with this great buck. I went to my knees and bowed my head, thanking God for this magnificent animal. I went back to get my dad to show him just exactly what I had just harvested. I will always remember my dad's first impression going up to my buck and the sense of pride that he had that his son had harvested such a great animal. What an incredible experience to give thanks for. I also give thanks for the friends and family that have celebrated this remarkable animal with me. What a great Thanksgiving Day!