Per a phone converstation with the "Great White Hunter", I was told a story that made this trophy even that more special. I will do my best to relay to you just what I was told.
It all began on the afternoon of November 10th, 2012. Being a bit breezy Chase figured he would try a setup out of the wind. Not thinking the night would be that great, he climbed into his stand that was set up between two hills and overlooking a food plot. Once settled in, Chase began making some calls trying to brew up some sort of action. He sat there thinking "Well just another pointless sit"; when out of nowhere a big 5 point side emerged in front of him. Without hesitation, he knew this was a buck deserving of a well placed arrow.
The buck continued his slow saunter to the food plot until just at the last second, decided he would rather go away from the food plot and up one of the ridges. Chase was heartbroken watching the massive rack slowly disappear into the thickness. As Chase sat hoping the buck would return, he heard crashing coming towards him. Sadly it was not the big buck he had just seen. However, whether it was the commotion or the fact that a younger buck may be treading on some uncharted territory, the brute was on his way back to the stand. The massive twelve pointer came into the plot ready to kick some butt. The only problem with this buck's game plan was that he was picking a fight with a grizzly bowhunter with an itchy trigger finger. The buck moved behind a limb (Chase's drawback point) and Chase pulled the string and stick back. The buck didn't even know what was happening some fifteen feet in the air. He kept up with his pace looking for the younger buck and without a second to lose, Chase sent his arrow home into the bread basket at a mere SIX YARDS!!! The mighty buck took off like a bat out of hell up the ridge, only to expire approximately 40 yards away. There he laid, a buck of a lifetime!!!! With twelve scoreable points and a green score of 173 2/8 gross inches and 163 3/8 net inches, this buck is surely to be never forgotton by Chase or Team Haastyle. Congratulations Chase on one hell of a buck!!!!