Now with the 2011 season over and Kreuger shedded out on my property. Once again we were back into "preparation" mode. The cameras went up, the food plots got planted, and the wait began for the 2012 hunting season to begin. The summer started off just like 2011 had. No big shooter bucks were showing their face except for the buck that roamed the woods with Kreuger back in 2010, Repeat. The summer cruised on and I began to think that all I would be chasing is this small racked four year old whitetail known as Repeat. There was nothing wrong with chasing a mature animal like this, but all I could think about was if or when Kreuger would pop up on the Covert cameras.

The season progressed this way as the calendar kept pushing on. July....gone, August...gone, September...gone, October....gone.... November... FINALLY HERE!!!!

Finally I had a sighting of Kreuger while on stand. However, between working and other filming obligations for Haastyle Hunting, I wasn't able to hunt Kreuger again until the Wisconsin gun season. My Covert cameras would end up telling me that Kreuger was making the Monster Magnet Frigid Forage food plot his stomping ground during the rut. I was torn as I saw picture after picture of Kreuger by this stand in the day light hours. All I could hope for would be that payback would be served by a 250 grain TEZ Barnes Bullet during the gun season.

The morning then got very interesting when I heard four shots coming from my neighbor only about 300 yards away. I watched the direction and caught movement. A doe came cruising through an open CRP field and ran up into my hardwoods. I waited for something else to come behind, when all of a sudden, I seen a big body deer coming out of my marsh. I put up my gun and sure enough it was my big hitlister "Kreuger". He was zig-zagging like a mad man with his nose to the ground. All of my mouth grunts and yells couldn't stop the big boy . Off into my woods he went.
Once in the woods I could still see his big 11 point rack glistening in the sun and right next to him was HIS doe. I thought "Oh yeah, keep on lockdown and stay with your girlfriend". I was able to glass and film the buck all day in my hardwoods with no shot. Around 1 pm he decided to come back into the CRP for a snack but I could tell he almost sensed that something was up and with that he went back into the woods. I thought that this was the last time I was going to see him. I put my head in my hands with frustration.
The day continued and light slowly drifted away. However, within a half hour of last light, deer started piling into the field, both bucks and does. With only minutes to spare before the first day of season would
end I watched a yearling doe come out into the corn field, and right behind her was "Kreuger". I settled into my T/C and let him walk into my crosshairs at 100 yards. BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!! The Barnes Bullet went on its way!!!
After the shot he stood there all rutted up and still trying to tend his doe. So with my nerves making me shake like a leaf, I attempted to reload my muzzleloader. With powder spilled and the dropping of primers I finally got the gun loaded and shot again at Kreuger. His doe took off and he followed. I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. I called my dad and we discussed a game plan. It was decided to let him sit for an hour and then we would go track him.
After thirty minutes the anticipation got the best of me. I had to get out and look for blood and potentially the best buck of my life. We drove our Kawasaki Mule out to the spot where I figured Kreuger stood when I shot. NO BLOOD! I started getting worried that I may have missed. Not once, but TWICE! My dad and I searched vigorously for blood but no such luck. I turned to my last ditch effort, deer trails and body searching. I wasn't in the woods for more than ten minutes when my flashlight would catch the body of a big deer on the ground. Attached to this body was none other than a 160inch 11 point rack. I GOT KREUGER!!!! I couldn't ask for it to happen any better. My dad and I together when I find my biggest buck to date, simply awesome.
He is by far my best buck to date and ends a 3 year quest for him. Still on cloud nine about harvesting this incredible whitetail. I thank God still for letting me follow this buck for three years and ultimately harvesting him. Also, a big thanks to my sponsors for helping me grow, capture, and harvest this whitetail. Thanks to my family and friends. The biggest thanks I have easily goes to my father, Dan Haas. He stuck with me from season after season following this big whitetail, helping me put out mineral, working on our food plots, and putting game plans together. GOD IS GREAT!